Dr. Kyung-eun LeeMar 29, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: The systematization of ‘child exports’ for economic and political aims
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeMar 22, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: Political decisions behind Korea’s adoption curve
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeMar 15, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: ‘Proxy adoption,’ the IR-4 visa and US citizenship for adoptees from Korea
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeMar 9, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: Adoptees’ nationality of state of origin & negligence of duty of protection
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeMar 3, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: Korean adoption system must not be allowed to be profit-driven
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeFeb 22, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: Legally ‘orphaned’ to be adopted transnationally
Dr. Kyung-eun LeeFeb 17, 2022AdopteesDialogues With Adoptees: Why ‘origin’ is important for people adopted from Korea