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Introducing 'UP CLOSE': A collaborative zine


Artists An Laurence and Annie Tong Zhou Lafrance, both Chinese adoptees, launch their collaborative zine UP CLOSE detailing their creative processes that led to the creation of their works “Come Closer, I’ll tell you what I forgot” (An Laurence) and “From China, To Canada” (Annie Tong Zhou Lafrance). This project was made possible by the Chinatown Biennial.


UP CLOSE offers a behind-the-scenes look into the creative processes that birthed our artistic works as Chinese adoptees raised in Quebec. How can transracial adoptees reappropriate their stories? Why use artistic creation as a means to search for what’s been lost?

We hope that UP CLOSE can help amplify transracial adoptees’ voices and spark conversations with other Asian diasporic communities.

How to buy UP CLOSE in presale (USA and International outside Canada)

CAD 20 USA delivery

CAD 25 International delivery

  1. Send CAD 20 (USA) or CAD 25 (international) to @anhiggins/ via Paypal

  2. Send An Laurence a private message containing your mailing address

  3. Use: Instagram messages, Messenger, email (

How to buy UP CLOSE in presale (Canada)

CAD 15 pick-up in Montreal, next to Jean Talon station

CAD 18 delivery included

  1. Send CAD 15 (pick-up) or CAD 18 (delivery included) via e-transfer to

  2. Send An Laurence a private message containing the e-transfer password + mailing address if you want delivery

  3. Use: email, Instagram messages, Messenger



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