The Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN), is a non-profit organization founded in 1998 to build a national Korean adoption community with adoptees at its center.
Through the work of its volunteers, KAAN aims to improve the lives of Korean-born adoptees by connecting the community and providing opportunities for dialogue, education, and support.
Mission Statement:
To enrich the lives of Korean-born adoptees and transracial adoptees, and their families, by connecting the community through dialogue, education, and support.
Vision Statement:
We envision an adoption community that is empowered, connected, vibrant, inclusive, and equitable.
Community Values:
We create a welcoming environment that brings people together from across the adoption community, valuing diverse perspectives while cultivating respect and healthy boundaries. This includes, but is not limited to people from the Korean-American community, adoptees, adoptive family members, biological family members, and those who work within the adoption industry. We believe this synergy deepens our insights and builds mutually transformative, dignifying relationships, many that last long after the conference.
Current Activities:
Community Conversations:
October 14, 2020 @8pm ET: Parenting as an Adoptee (adoptees only)
November 11, 2020 @ 8pm ET: Adoptive Families, Holidays, and Big Emotions (adoptive parents)
December 9, 2020 @ 8pm ET: Taking Care of Ourselves During the Holidays (adoptess only)
Virtual Happy Hours:
Oct 8, 2020 @ 8pm ET
November 12, 2020 @ 9pm ET
December 10, 2020 @ 5pm ET
Current call for proposals for KAAN 2021 Conference: From Dialogue to Action: Identity and Intersections in Our Community
Connect with KAAN: For more information, visit their website. Or check their social media: Facebook, Linktree, Instagram